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About Seoulland

About Seoulland

SeoulLand was built for everybody’s dreams and wishes.

SeoulLand is the first theme park in Korea and always gives customers happiness and fabulous time.
In May 1988, Seoul Land opened before Seoul Olympic and became frontrunner in theme park’s field in Korea.
Seoul Land has diversity contects to meke customers have happiest time, such as dynamic attractions,
Luna Park light festival, varied festivals based on four-season, music festival and so on.
SeoulLand is close to Seoul Grand Park’s Zoo, Botanical Garden, Youth Training Center, MMCA, Gwacheon National Science Muesum,
where everyone can experience the nature, attend education and culture activities. Seoul Land is the best place to have varied experiences and take rest.
SeoulLand’s dynamic attractions can make everybody has fun and feels excited. Especially, Seoul Land adopted domestic characters to make more fun and joyful. Seoul Land renewed as a global character park, held varied performances, exhibitions and events. Seoul Land is leading and activating the industry of domestic characters.
SeoulLand depends on the characteristics of four-season to hold festivals,
which can make everybody more interested and have fun. Also, we arrange varied big and small performances at different places in park, 3D mapping show at night, Luna Park light festival and so on. Seoul Land shows a high quality entertainment space with dynamic performances and events.

SeoulLand always tries to improve and be sure can make customers happy and fun,
and would like to be everybody’s park, where can recharge and rest.
